Announcement: EOS Dublin powering WORBLI — The EOS Financial District
Following on from the excellent announcement post by EOS New York, I mentioned on the Worbli channel that eosDublin will be one of the Initial Block Producers for the WORBLI blockchain.
We have worked for many years in the banking and financial services industries. So when we first heard the Worbli pitch in London back in May 2018…it resonated, hard.
The opportunity is enormous, in monetary terms the number starts with a T.
But like every new idea and business it will take time, effort and luck to pull it off.
At eosDublin we have all 3 in abundance.
We have committed to supporting EOSIO projects and innovation for the next decade, we work hard and just get shit done, and well who wouldn’t want some Irish Luck in their corner.
If you want to know what Worbli is you can visit or join us in the community here
The one phrase that I think best sums it up is The EOS Financial District.
Just let that sink in for a minute!