On Thursday I got a private telegram message from Brady Dale to ask my opinion on the news that: “Voice would not launch on EOS”
For context, This is the second time I’ve been contacted by this journalist for information re:EOS matters. The first was back in November 2019
And I had a call with him for 24 minutes to explain in detail what was happening.
The reason for mentioning this, was that as far as I am aware none of this was covered in an Article or I wasn’t quoted at the time.
This time was different though.
An Article needed to be written and posted.
At that point I thought this is put to bed, lets move on. But soon after another message..
That must be the end of that now I thought, but 2 hours later another message…
I was surprised when a community member PM’d me the following day to say I’ve been quoted in a FUD article.