EOS Dublin Third Meetup

2 min readMay 9, 2018


I arrived a little late for the third EOS Dublin meetup, and quietly took a seat in the back. Conversation was in full flow.

Delegated Proof of state, how it works, benefits/ drawbacks…

There was an equal mix of new faces to old. I was humbled to see so many travel from all corners in Ireland to come.

This is really exciting.

New Irish EOS communities starting up. Developers getting started on test nets, thinking about building on or migrating to EOS. Sharing ideas.

This really feels like the beginning of something great.

For those of you that came last night, thank you.

Each EOS meetup I attend the conversations get richer, more interesting. Lots to learn, some things to teach.

When is the next one? I was asked several times.


We are going to need to host more regular meetups with different formats.

If you’ve got a suggestion please shout, or better still, why not start something.

If you do let us know. We’d love to come.

Sharif — EOS Dublin

We want to hear from you!

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EOS Dublin On Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/EOS-Dublin/

EOS Dublin On Everipedia: https://everipedia.org/wiki/eos-dublin/




Written by eosDublin

Block Producer in Republic of Ireland. Here since the beginning. Always looking to add value. If you have read this far, much love.

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