“How am I going to explain this one….”
My mother was over last week and casually asked what I was working on. Zoe (my daughter — aged 7) was also in the room and is curious as hell.
This is my chance, spread the word, EOS is going to … “say something earth shattering”
Mum (63) and Zoe (7) are both digital natives. Zoe is a ninja on the iPad and my mother has more connections on social media than her children.
Hmm… We are working to… “don’t mention decentralise, don’t mention decentralise”
I actually surprised myself… I do that sometimes.
“Do you know all the things you do online” , they both nodded
“Well there is a team around the world working together to make that better, safer, secure. And if it works we won’t have to worry about things getting stolen online or getting scammed. “
“it has its own money called EOS”
“Sounds great, I’m in “ Mum said ( She a great Mother but she’d be a terrible Shark)
“How do I buy some EOS…”.
I was lost.
“How am I going to explain this one….”
Could you explain it to your Mum? How to buy, hold and secure a cryptocurrency?
This shit is not simple.
Yesterday, I watched Dallas’s video, about getting hacked and his wallet cleaned out.
And I must admit, I was freaked out.
I had some EOS in an online wallet. I know I should have them in a hardware wallet and blah blah , but I didn’t because … I’m normal and busy and afraid and new to this.
I tried to buy a Ledger Nano a couple of months ago but they were on backorder, I then bought one on Ebay and then read something else about Ledgers bought on Ebay getting hacked.. FFS
Yesterday I ordered some more, but in the meantime I sent my small few tokens to an exchange.
I know, I know “not your keys, not your money” , but as I said, this shit isn’t easy, and I need to be able to sleep.
The guys in @EOSNewYork tweeted a couple of days ago.
The founding principles of EOS — Life, Liberty and Property need to exist before, during and after the launch. Things are moving fast.
Dawn 3.0 just released . Block.one are keeping up with their end of the deal.
As Block Producers we need step up, educate and solve some problems.
Leave no EOS behind.