We’re completely independent and self-funded.
We are radically transparent and honest.
We are devoted to token holders and application developers.
We’re developing the Ignition platform to support application developers and connect them with users.
We prioritize education. We are learning continuously and share what we know.
Ireland represents geographic independence. Post BrExit we’ll be the only English language origin country in the EU.
Have you met Sharif and Sam? Take a look at their presentation at EOS London.
We want to hear from you!
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EOS Dublin Online: https://www.eosdublin.com/
EOS Dublin On Twitter: https://twitter.com/eosdublin
EOS Dublin On Steemit: https://steemit.com/@eosdublin
EOS Dublin On Medium: https://medium.com/@eosdublin/
EOS Dublin On Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/EOS-Dublin/
EOS Dublin On Everipedia: https://everipedia.org/wiki/eos-dublin/